Object Manipulator (OM)
Allows you to quickly selects and swiftly add, manage, modify, and delete objects that you had loaded into your virtual environment.
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Allows you to quickly selects and swiftly add, manage, modify, and delete objects that you had loaded into your virtual environment.
Last updated
The UI automatically opens when you load up any custom object to the scene. It can also be opened by clicking on the OM icon from the Environment object menu as shown below
Quick overview of the Object Manipulator UI
OM lets you quickly select and manipulate objects in the virtual scene through the use of the laser selection pointer. By default, once OM is activated, the laser pointer is active. Any object pointed with the laser will be automatically selected.
Press the right controller grab button while the laser is connected to the object to grab and move it around. While grabbed, you can use the thumbstick up/down to push the object forward or backward.
You do not need to have the laser pointer active to manipulate the selected object. You can just use the controller to rotate, scale, and move as it is.
If you find the laser pointer annoying and would like to switch it off and still have control over your selected object, just press the disable laser pointer icon on the menu.
While an object is selected and the object manipulator is active, you can use the following controller to manipulate the object.
Rotate Y* axis
Left thumbstick - Left or Right motion
*You can assign the axis for rotation via the controller configurations
Rotate X* axis
Left thumbstick - Up or Down motion
*You can assign the axis for rotation via the controller configurations.
Left thumbstick + left grab : Up or Down motion
Position left/right
Right thumbstick - Left or Right motion
Position up/down
Right thumbstick - Up or Down motion
Position back/forward
Right thumbstick + right grab : Up or Down motion
Duplicate object
Right grab + Right thumbstick button pressed while laser is pointed on object
Delete object
Right grab + Left grab + Left thumbstick button pressed while laser is pointed on object
Toggle laser selection on/off
Right controller button A
Untick the checkbox next to a controller to disable the respective controller
For rotation, you can assign any of the axes by selecting the chosen axis from the dropdown
All controllers can be reduced or heightened in their sensitivity by selecting the sensitivity value from the dropdown
The default size for a custom object spawned in the virtual world is determined by the Scale settings. By default, this is set to 'Average Human Height,' which forces the object to a size of 1.8 meters. You can change it according to your choice from the preset dropdown or specify your custom size.
IP (In place) button - will resize the selected object according to the specified size where it is located.
UV (User view) button - will resize the selected object according to the specified size and place it in front of the viewer's view.
This special UI allows you to modify the controller's properties